Alternative to Tearing Down Abravanel Hall

Alternative to Tearing Down Abravanel Hall

This morning on Radio West, the fate of Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake City, Utah was discussed. Doug Fabrizio interviewed four of the key players. It is definitely worth a listen. Notably, Mike Maughn of Smith Entertainment Group refused over and over to state SEG’s preferences, leaving it all in the hands of Salt Lake…


Landmarks: Unanimous support for National Register Nomination of Abravanel Hall

But the fight is not over yet. Last night, the Salt Lake City Landmarks Commission unanimously approved a recommendation to nominate Abravanel Hall for the National Register of Historic Places. Many people testified to the merits and emotional connection they had to the building, including several of the Utah Symphony musicians. That’s all very, very…

Salt Lake City Convention Center Revitalization: New Hyatt Regency and Ballroom

Salt Lake City Convention Center Revitalization: New Hyatt Regency and Ballroom

The Salt Lake City Convention Center used to occupy the corner, as it looks in this photo. Now a new Hyatt Regency commands the corner, taking some of the space of the CC but providing the “convention center hotel” that boosters have been wanting for many years. Since the pandemic, conventions have changed, with most…

Why do SEG and the County want to tear down Abravanel Hall?

Why do SEG and the County want to tear down Abravanel Hall?

We have no real plan from any of the parties involved, so let’s just speculate. The image above (my speculation) is that SEG wants to create a new “street” or plaza in the middle of the blocks that contain the convention center, UMOCA, and Abravanel Hall. This street, if it goes straight through, would plow…