
Brenda Case Scheer FAIA FAICP

It looks like you’ve landed in The Right Place, the personal blog of Brenda Case Scheer, an architect, planner, urban designer and researcher.  “The Right Place” comes from a quote of Brigham Young‘s when he arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. Sick, and having traveled for many miles over incredibly difficult terrain, Young, then Prophet of the Mormons,  looked over the valley and declared, “this is the right place”. Thus, the valley was illegally usurped and a flood of white people came to settle it.  But whoa…

In this blog I talk about Salt Lake City and its founding in history, but also about other cities and the comparison of different cities.  As a Salt Lake City Planning Commissioner, I’m constantly reminded of the importance of urban design in making a great city, one that will last for hundreds and hundreds of years.

I have also been a professor and dean of the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Utah. For many years I have studied urban form, especially in its historical context. More importantly, I’ve traveled extensively and lived in many different places, observing the operation and success stories of cities: what works, what is a wrong turn? Please follow me on Twitter or Instagram to stay in touch.